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Marketing Terms and Trends

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Marketing Terms and Trends


Marketing is an intricate process. It involves the creation of product or service value through effective communication with the consumer, and thereby creating a market for the product. Marketing has become a huge enterprise and a field that requires careful study, expertise and a well founded marketing plan.

The following list of commonly used terms in the world of marketing and is by no means comprehensive; however, it will serve as the quintessential introduction to marketing.


Search engine marketing


Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Search Marketing (SM), as it is now known, is a type of online marketing that helps websites gain visibility and traffic in search engines through the use of free (organic) or paid (sponsored) efforts. Search Marketing involves two aspects:


  • optimization of a website through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and
  • advertising a website through paid search listings


SEO technique involves the rewriting or adjusting of the content of a website to fit in key words or phrases that a searcher/potential customer may use while searching for related products or services.


Sponsored or paid listing involves purchasing advertising space on search engines to garner website traffic. This process may also be known variously as pay-per-click (PPC), cost-per-click (CPC), or cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), according to the mode of payment the website uses for the advertisement.