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Podcast Platform on your Website

Top 4 Reasons You need a Podcast Platform on your Website

most podcast enthusiasts, they want to turn in into a profession.

Most podcasters have the hobby to start podcasting. The topics can range anywhere from dogs to something complex like Artificial Intelligence. It all depends on their interests. There are thousands of niche revolving around the podcast, and for most podcast enthusiasts, they want to turn in into a profession.

The answer to something like this is building your podcast platform on a website. But here’s the deal, most of the podcast enthusiasts leave it as a hobby, not trying to convert it into a brand. Even as a brand, you would never want to be limited to podcasting platforms like Amazon, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts. That’s why we have compiled over 5 reasons why you need a podcast platform on your website.

Rev Marketing has been actively working to integrate the best SEO optimized podcast that has seen an increase in their website traffic to more than 120%. If you need a credible podcast integrator with a team of experts, Rev marketing can assist you in building a successful platform.

Reasons You need a Podcast Platform on your Website

1. A website will let visitors listen to your show

However, a large number of users search right from Google. Just imagine your podcast will appear in the Google search results

We know that there are a lot of podcast platforms like Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and others. Many users listen to a podcast from these platforms. However, a large number of users search right from Google. Just imagine your podcast will appear in the Google search results.

Therefore, this will mean a large amount of traffic that helps you in building a brand.

2. Turn on Monetization – Gaining the benefits

As your listeners grow, you need some sort of side hustle to keep things balanced.

Most podcast platforms aren’t providing ad integration. As your listeners grow, you need some sort of side hustle to keep things balanced. Therefore, a website can provide you the best way of integrating ads that will give you and your team maximum results.

Moreover, you can also launch a campaign to gain maximum benefits and see an increased ROI.

3. A Portal to all of your Podcasts

. Therefore, a website will be focused solely on your podcast that will eventually help in turning your platform into a brand

Some podcast platform will limit you from adding a lot of content. However, when we talk about websites, the possibilities are limitless. You can choose to display podcasts whenever you want and wherever you want. Therefore, a website will be focused solely on your podcast that will eventually help in turning your platform into a brand.

4. Better Visibility and Exposure

Using the power of SEO, we have built a podcast website that increased traffic to more than 120% overall.

A website is a gateway to promoting your podcasting platform. Using the power of SEO, we have built a podcast website that increased traffic to more than 120% overall.

Our research is the sole reason we believe why podcasting on websites can help in better brand visibility and exposure. Your website can attract customers and engage them in listening to your podcast.

How do we create value in your business?

Rev Marketing is an all-in-one solution that you need to survive the digital world. We have helped many podcasters by building them some of the most eye-catching and impactful websites out there.

Work with us today, and turn your podcasting passion into a profession.

As of 2020, it has been proved that having an online presence is a must. With tough times like these, no one is going to go outside, find your company like it’s the next big box store. Having a planned marketing growth strategy will take your brand from its initial buzz to the heights of success.

Rev Marketing is offering a FREE Growth Strategy Package (GSP) that will help you and your business grow.

Text GSP to 757-632-3497 and get your free link to download the GSP package.








Founder | Rev Marketing

Tracy Lee Thomas
