Blog Mastering Monday

That’s How The Cookie Crumbles…Apple vs. Facebook

Mastering Monday

50% of Americans use an iPhone, what are you going to do to effectively advertise your business on Facebook once the new Apple privacy policy update is rolled out?


So, what is this new update that Apple is expected to roll out soon?!

In a nutshell, when users open their facebook app (or any app for that matter), they will be asked if they want the app to track what they’re doing in other apps/browsers on their devices. If the users say no, that IDFA (identifier for advertisers) will be blocked and they will no longer be able to gather that data.

What is the impact going to be for small businesses that depend on Facebook for advertising?

By adding this message when an app is opened, it is expected that the number of iOS users that share the IDFA will decrease from 70% to 10%! Instead of the opt out being buried in the system settings, users will now be required to opt in and with a single click they will be able to stop sharing this information. Which is something that most people are expected to do.

 When is this update expected to take place?

Well, we know that the update was scheduled to roll out in the fall of 2020 but was pushed back. What we know right now is that the developers already have the data on the update, so it could come as early as the end of this month or possibly in the beginning of March with the next iOS update. 

mastering monday quick tips






Here are some tips to keep marketing effectively

  •  Integrate touch points across all channels – your website, email campaigns, CRM, surveys, and customer feedback.
  • Get usable information from your customers and prospects like email addresses and phone numbers so that you can continue to advertise to these people
  • Be proactive about collecting zero-party data. This is data that users on your platforms share intentionally, like their name and email address when they ask for more information
  • When advertising on Facebook, look to Android campaigns as a testing ground when you need real time data (there is going to be a delay in the information received and in the amount of information received from iOS users).
  • Don’t panic! We are not going to fully understand how these privacy changes will affect campaigns until it is rolled out. So every advertiser is in the same boat.






Happy Monday! Have a great and productive week!
Allyce Mitchell
