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Tips to Up Your Sales Game in 2021

Mastering Monday

Would you believe me if I said that 79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales?!

Let’s see what we can do to boost those conversions!

What does your sales playbook look like in 2021? One (of the many) things that COVID has taught me is the need to be AGILE in an ever-changing world. And this is more important now in sales than ever before. Millennials respond one way, Baby-Boomers another, and then there is Gen Z entering the game! While the mantra of “always be closing” will always be held near and dear (thank you Glengarry Glen Ross), it’s time to up our game giving our customers what they need.

Let’s get into some ways you can up your game in 2021

Automated CRM:

Streamline tasks so that you can get more done and don’t waste precious time. Automate those follow-up emails and start have AI qualify those leads so you know which ones to go after and where your leads are in the sales pipeline. CRM systems integrate with your website to get your leads into the pipeline faster!

40% of sales tasks can be performed by AI

Improve the User Experience:

Add chatbots or a live chat experience to your website. Make suggestions to the user based on what your customer is looking at to help them find what they need.

80% of American shoppers consider speed, convenience, knowledgeable help, and friendly service key elements in customer service

Social Selling:

Social media is a great place to nurture leads. Active online engagement will move you to the forefront of people’s minds when they are making a purchasing decision. This will also help with referrals! A brand presence online makes it easier for for your customers to share your product with their friends and family.

70% of businesses say that referrals are faster to convert

E-commerce through Omni-channel sales:

Make sure you are available in the channels that your customers use. Use your website to design a cohesive experience for users at every touchpoint.

73% of customers use multiple channels when doing their shopping

Live Video and Sales Conversion Online:

Use live Q&A’s to answer questions about your new product launch

82% of people prefer live video from a brand over standard social media posts.


mastering monday quick tips



I know getting that CRM automated can take some time. But here are some things you can start right now to boost your conversions:

Reviews and Rewards

Get your current happy customers to do the work for you! Ask for reviews and reward referrals. Time and time again you see successful businesses utilizing this method of gaining new customers. You are paying an acquisition cost to get your leads anyways, so giving out some referral rewards should be no big deal. Plus, word of mouth support puts you on the fast track to gaining a users trust and they spend less time in the buying funnel or flywheel…whichever jargon you prefer to use.

Here’s a great stat from the Harris poll: 67% of people say they are more likely to buy a product after a friend or family member posted about it on social media.

Podcasting or Live Videos

Turn that facebook post into a video or schedule a live Q&A session with your audience. That engagement is going to build trust and increase sales! 80% of people would rather watch a live video from a brand than read a blog. I feel it is important to note: THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO STOP BLOGGING…..refer to the Mastering Monday from last week to see why.


Check out some of our other sales strategy tips here -> Podcasts: Grow Your Sales Immediately!



Happy Monday! Have a great and productive week!

Allyce Mitchell




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