
Our Podcast delivers valuable information to our students.

Business 2022 Video Edition

Join Tracy Lee Thomas and Dr. Greg Moody as they talk about business plans for 2022

FREE Business Blueprint for 2022

Join Tracy and Greg as they talk about how 2022 is going to be so different from 2021 that you've got to be ready for it. And you can't be ready for it in January. It's the height of madness to be thinking about your 2022 at the beginning of the year

Rants On Social Media and Marketing

Join Tracy and Greg as they discuss marketing and social media. Is it all gloom and doom?

Where You Are Losing Leads Part One Audio Edition

Join Greg as he talks about where you can be losing leads. This is Part One of a multi part series.

Where You Are Losing Leads, Part 1

Join Greg as he talks about where you can be losing leads. This is Part One of a multi part series.

Is Facebook Dead Audio Edition

Join Tracy and Greg as they discuss the changes in social media. The changes in advertising amongst the platforms.

Is Facebook Dead

Join Tracy and Greg as they discuss the changes in social media. The changes in advertising amongst the platforms.

In Business Safety Is Profitable

Join Tracy and Greg as they discuss how safety programs in your business can be profitable. Everything from mitigating liability to improving your profit margins by making the work environment a happy place.
