
Holiday Promotions
July 27, 2023

Holiday Promotions Planning Should Begin Now!


    Now is the time to start planning your holiday promotions! As a small business owner, you know how quickly the…

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May 4, 2023

Why Are Blogs So Important on Websites?


    Are you a small business owner trying to increase your online presence and find new customers? If so, then chances…

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December 22, 2022

Boost Your Marketing – December 2022


  Looking to boost your marketing efforts? Check out this video with Dr. Greg Moody, where he discusses some great tips for…

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Man speaking into a microphone
February 16, 2022

Your Website Matters!


Hey, welcome everyone. This is Tracy Thomas with RevTalks, and I’m here to talk to everybody today about some of their websites…

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February 2, 2022

Influencer vs Content Creator


Tracy Lee Thomas: Hey. Welcome, everyone, this is Tracy Thomas and Greg Moody. We’re here with Rev Talks. And we’re going to…

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man talking into a microphone
January 28, 2022

Power Up Wednesday~Expand Your Business In 2022


Greg Moody: All right. Well, we’re here for Power Up Wednesday Workshop. And I’m Greg Moody. And we got Tracy Thomas here….

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January 25, 2022

Business 2022, Influencer Marketing


Tracy Thomas: Hey, welcome everyone. This is Tracy Thomas and Greg Moody here at Rev Talks Podcast, and we’re really super, super…

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tracy lee thomas smiling
December 17, 2021

FREE Business Blueprint for 2022


Tracy Thomas: Hey, welcome everyone. This is Tracy Thomas and Greg Moody from RevTalks. And we’re here to talk about what we…

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Tracy Lee Thomas blog

Rants on Social Media and Marketing


Greg Moody: All right. So it’s Greg Moody and Tracy Thomas here, we’re going to rant on social media and marketing today….

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social media bubbles woman looking at them
December 10, 2021

Is Facebook Dead


Crisis In Social Media Greg Moody:  All right. We’re live. And thanks for coming everybody. It’s Greg Moody and Tracy Thomas here…

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